Stirring Up History: The Negroni's Journey from a Count to an Icon
In the world of cocktails, few drinks boast a past as eccentric as the Negroni cocktail history. From its Italian origins to its legendary appearance in pop culture, the Negroni has become a timeless classic over the last century.
As we celebrate Negroni Week with you, we invite you to journey through time and taste with us, and discover a chance to own a little piece of cocktail history yourself!
1919 - The Birth of the Negroni: A Count's Creation
Our story begins in a local bar where the dashing Italian Count Camillo Negroni sits down at the counter and decides he isn't interested in getting “the usual” this time.
Feeling a bit tired of the ordinary Americano, the Count orders this classic cocktail, but this time with a small but significant change - ditch the soda water and replace it with gin!
The bartender, up for a bit of experimentation, combines equal parts Campari, sweet vermouth, and gin, birthing the legendary cocktail we now know as “The Negroni” in honor of the man who ordered it.

1920 - Prohibition and the european cocktail renissance
Unfortunately, the cocktail didn't have much time to gain popularity locally. The era of Prohibition began in 1920 and the cocktail movement that had gained so much momentum in the United States had to find a new home in Europe.
Enthusiasts, thirsty for a well-crafted drink flocked to bars across the ocean where the Negroni, with its bold and balanced flavors, quickly became a favorite among cocktail connoisseurs.

1960 - from the count to the icon
Over time, the Negroni's reputation continued to grow, making its first appearance in actual print in 1943. And while this marked the moment when the recipe became available to the world at large, it was in 1960 when it exploded into pop culture.
Imagine sitting in a dark theater, holding your soda in one hand and your date's hand in the other when you see the always suave and sophisticated James Bond saunter up to the bar.
What is the next line you expect to hear?
"Maritini - shaken, not stirred." But instead, he orders a NEGRONI cocktail!!
The shock causes you to practically leap from your seat, and the popcorn that was sitting on your lap goes flying everywhere as you choke on the last sip from your Coke…what is this drink and how fast can you get to the bar to try it?!
This cinematic moment in “For Your Eyes Only” added just a touch of glamour to the Negroni, solidifying its status as a drink fit for legends.
The Negroni Cocktail Recipe
- 1oz Gin
- 1oz Campari
- 1/2 Sweet Vermouth
- Orange twist or slice for garnish
- fill your Boston Shaker with ice and add the alcohol
- stir for 30 sec using your barspoon
- strain into a chilled rocks glass filled with ice
- garnish with orange peel twist or slice
2013 - Negroni week: a global celbration
As we come to the end of the Negroni cocktail history and fast forward to the present day and we now have an entire week dedicated to this iconic drink!
And before you think it is just about celebrating the legends, Negroni Week has been used to raise millions of dollars for charitable causes worldwide. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of the Negroni and the generosity of its enthusiasts.
And now, we are paying homage to this timeless classic with our very own twist - and we are not talking about the orange peel garnish!
As we mentioned in a recent post on Instagram, we have teamed up with the CIA (yes, the actual Central Intelligence Agency) and are now selling our Boston Shakers which is proudly engraved with their logo on it!
Each shaker is serialized, and yes, there is a #007…
And while you can't actually get your hands on one of these CIA shakers unless you know somebody on the “inside," we are giving YOU the chance to step into the word of James Bond and raise money for good cause at the same time.

We're raffling off Shaker #007 CIA Shaker to one lucky subscriber of our newsletter!
This is your chance to own a piece of cocktail history because there will NEVER be a duplicate make of this exact shaker!
Want in? Click HERE to subscribe to our Newsletter (if you aren't already) and stay tuned for details to drop soon.
Whether you use this shaker to make a Shaken Martini or mix a Classic Negroni, we believe that Mr. Bond would join you in toasting a tradition of elegance.